Student Government Association (SGA)
Student Government Association (SGA)
Our Mission
The Student Government Association of Barnard College aims to facilitate the expression of opinions on matters affecting the Barnard community through active communication between students, administration and faculty.
With various forums for collaboration, such as committees and weekly Representative Council meetings, SGA strives to promote open dialogue and action that will enhance student life at Barnard College. All Barnard College students, by virtue of having paid student activities fees, are members of the SGA.
Thus, SGA calls on all Barnard College students to take initiative in continuing the SGA’s tradition of equitable self-government and to hold both administrators and students accountable to the College’s larger mission, to foster women leaders and intellectuals.
Please stop by our office in the Student Leadership Collective located on the first floor of the Diana Center right off of Liz's Place Cafe. Swing by with any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions you have for SGA. Think we should be talking about something that hasn't yet been mentioned? Let us know - email
Stay up to date with SGA by liking us on Facebook:, on Instagram, and on Snapchat (BarnardSGA). If you have any questions, feel free to email us at We can't wait to hear from you!
Get Involved
SGA Fall 2022 Class Council and Committees Applications and Election Running Details
If you have any questions, please email SGA President, Tiffany Vo,
Policy Commitee
The Committee on Policy explores all policy-related issues on campus, as well as issues of gender-based discrimination and harassment, including sexual assault and all other forms of gender-based misconduct. The Committee documents all proposed amendments between years of constitutional review. Notes from meetings and details about amendments shall be documented in the VP Policy’s transition documents.
Contact: Vivian Todd, Vice President for Policy | |
Public Relations Committee
The Committee on Public Relations manages all strategic communications. The committee handles the publicity of SGA events and builds up public relations through flyers, email, social media, and any modes of communication deemed fit. The committee also updates the SGA website and manages all SGA communication with the press. The committee organizes and maintains all archival materials and transition documents. It also plans and executes Town Halls, Fireside Chats, and any other events centered around communication at Barnard. In the 2022-2023 Policy Agenda, they are tasked with the creation of the new Barnard SGA website.
Contact: Anique Edwards, Vice President for Communications | |
Campus Life Committee
The Campus Life Committee plans Desserts After Dark, SGA Day, SGA Brunch, and a Student Leadership Dinner, per academic year. The Committee will also coordinate with the Columbia College Student Council, Engineering Student Council, and General Studies Student Council to organize university-wide events such as Basketball Mania, Homecoming Fair, and Glass House Rocks.
Contact: Emily Lan, Vice President for Campus Life | |
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee's two main functions are to represent Barnard student's financial interests and to allocate Student Government Association (SGA) funding, which is derived from Student Activities Fee.
Members of the Finance Committee shall attend meetings of JCCC, the Capital Investment Fund, the Presidents and Provost Fund, and any other funds initiated by the undergraduate councils. The committee also allocates externally to Columbia University Governing Boards and thus to undergraduate student groups at Funding at Columbia University (F@CU) with the three other undergraduate student councils.
The committee allocates internally to SGA, Class Councils, and specific Barnard organizations including McAC, Bulletin, and Skip Stop. The Finance Committee shall see that the selected SGA Endowment projects in the fall semester are completed in conjunction with the Chief Operating Officer of Barnard College. The committee monitors and manages the appropriate use of the allocated funds through monthly reconciliation forms and facilitates the transfer of funds. The Finance Committee shall meet regularly with the Chief Operating Officer of Barnard College to address the financial concerns of students.
Contact: Yasmin Naji, Vice President for Finance | |
Student Services Committee
The Student Services Committee is composed of appointed students actively researching and assessing campus services, sustainability, and initatives in order to maintain and/or improve the social commitments of the College. It works with students and administrators in developing policies and building infrastructure to increase campus offerings, from waste reduction, and dinning operations.
Contact: Delaney Michaelson, Vice President for Student Services | |
Academic Affairs Committee
The Academic Advisory Committee addresses student's needs and concerns as they relate to academic policy on campus. The Academic Advisory Committee will work closely with related concerns that tie directly to the faculty, the Deans, The Provost, and the Registrar.
Contact: Orli Cohen | Vice President for Academic Affairs | |
Equity and Inclusion Committee
The Equity and Inclusion Committee works to promote open discussion, foster community dialogues, support and develop programs and practices that engage the community in building an inclusive campus climate. Students on this committee survey several areas of Barnard College, in particular, the student body, faculty, and administration, and present thoughtful and practical approaches to improving the dynamics of inclusion and equity in all facets of the College. The committee addresses issues of identity, surrounding, but not limited to, sexual orientation, ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, socioeconomic class, education, citizenship, and ability. The committee creates forums in which students can participate in meaningful and evocative discussions surrounding the above issues.
Contact: Mariame Sissoko, Vice President of Equity and Inclusion | |
Senior Class Council
The Senior Class Council is led by the Senior Class President, which meets on a weekly basis. The responsibilities of the Council entail organizing senior class events, planning the Senior Class Dinner with Alumnae Affairs, planning the Senior Toast, fundraising for the class, organizing events with our peer institutions of Columbia, organizing Lerner Pub, assisting with the organization of the Winter Gala and Senior Week, collaborating with Career Development and the Dean of Studies, assisting with the distribution of class apparel, and organizing the Blood Drive.
Contact: Myesha Choudhury, Senior Class President ||
Junior Class Council
The Junior Class Council organizes Junior Class events to raise class spirit and participation, including Junior Class Dinner, fundraising activities to raise money and class spirit, along with events in collaboration with Columbia College, The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and the School of General Studies. The council reaches out to Juniors studying abroad, organizes one blood drive with the Office of Disability Services, and plans a Student Career/Networking Dinner. The council e-mails updates to the Junior Class.
Contact: Magan Chin, Junior Class President | |
Sophomore Class Council
The Sophomore Class Council acts as the representative to the Barnard sophomore class. It updates the class through email and organizes class events. The Class President leads the Sophomore Council in study breaks and other activities to raise class spirit and participation, including the Sophomore Class Dinner, the Sophomore Class Major Toast, a welcoming event in the fall, and the Study Abroad High Tea Send-Off in the spring. It also throws fundraising activities to raise money and class spirit. It holds events in collaboration with other Columbia undergraduate schools, and a blood drive with the Office of Disabilities.
Contact: Miriam Jonas, Sophomore Class President | |
First-Year Class Council
The First-Year Class Council acts as the representatives of the Barnard first-year class. The responsibilities of the council include planning events and sending out regular emails in order to update students about upcoming events and available resources for the first years. The Council meets weekly in order to plan for events such as the First Year Class Dinner, study breaks and other activities, fundraising events, and the Winter semi-formal with all four undergraduate colleges. The First-Year Class Council is led by the First Year Class President and Vice President. This committee is led by the First-Year President, elected in early Fall.
Contact: Tifi Grossman, First Year Class President | |
The Barnard College Student Government Association: Election Guidelines
SGA Elections Mission Statement on Fairness
All Barnard College students, by virtue of having paid student activities fees, are members of the SGA. In accordance with the mission statement of SGA, elections are held in the Fall and the Spring to allow for active student participation within their government. To ensure that a diverse range of student interests are represented, all students are welcome and encouraged to run and apply for open positions. The SGA Elections are a free and fair process in which candidates are encouraged to fully express their opinions, while respecting their fellow candidates and classmates. The Elections Guidelines exist not only as a rule book but as a community code of conduct that should motivate each candidate to act in accordance with these values. It is of utmost importance that all interested candidates and all their affiliates familiarize themselves with our elections guidelines. If there are any concerns or questions regarding the fairness of these elections, please contact the Elections Commission, which oversees this process.
The Elections Commission normally consists of four SGA representatives and a representative from the Barnard Honor Board.
The Elections Commission:
President of SGA: Tiffany Vo
Vice President for Policy: Vivian Todd
Vice President for Campus Life: Emily Lan
Vice President for Finance: Yasmin Naji
Vice President for Communications: Anique Edwards
Vice President for Equity: Mariame Sissoko
If you have any questions regarding the SGA Election Guidelines, please contact
View the Election Guidelines as a PDF.
Updated: November 29th, 2022
Executive Board
SGA President
Tiffany Vo |
Vice President for Policy
Vivian Todd |
Vice President for Equity
Mariame Sissoko |
Vice President for Campus Life
Emily Lan |
Vice President for Finance
Yasmin Naji |
Vice President for Communications
Anique Edwards |
To contact the entire Student Government Association Executive Board, please email Thank you.
Representative Council
SGA Representative Council consists of a variety of representatives for specific interests plus the President and Vice President of each Barnard class. Rep. Council meets every week on Mondays from 8-10 pm in The Diana Center, Room 504. All are invited, most welcome, and encouraged to attend. Additionally, please feel free to contact a Representative directly with any concerns or questions - email addresses are listed below.
SGA President
Tiffany Vo |
Vice President for Policy
Vivian Todd |
Vice President for Campus Life
Emily Lan |
Vice President for Finance
Yasmin Naji |
Vice President for Communications
Anique Edwards |
Vice President for Equity
Mariame Sissoko |
University Senator
Avalon Zborovsky-Fenster |
Senior Representative to the Board of Trustees
Hilda Gitchell |
Junior Representative to the Board of Trustees
Eliza Marie Tagle |
Representative for Sustainable Initiatives
Nechama Stein |
Representative for Inclusive Initiatives
Jenniffer Koita |
Representative for Food and Dining Services
Alejandra Garcia |
Representative for Campus Affairs
Rebecca Cooper | |
Representative for Information and Technology
Rebecca Wernick | |
Representative for Seven Sisters Relations
Rebecca Galloway |
Representative for Health Services
Quan Ha |
Senior Class President
Myesha Choudhury |
Junior Class President
Magan Chin |
Sophomore Class President
Miriam Jonas |
First-Year Class President
Tifi Grossman |
Please contact SGA Vice President for Finance, Yasmin Naji at with any finance-related questions.
Important Forms
All Class Councils, SGA Committees, and Groups who currently receive funding from SGA must fill out a reconciliation form by 11:59 PM on the first day of every month. Forms must be filled out and submitted regardless of whether or not funds were used. Email the completed version to SGA Vice President for Finance, Yasmin Naji at
Spending Money
There are three ways for clubs to spend allocation money:
1. Petty Cash
In case of an emergency only, Petty Cash of up to $50 can be obtained; see Yasmin Neil in the Student Life Office.
2. Student Experience & Engagement (SEE) Credit Card
Clubs can obtain the SEE Credit Card to make purchases. Note that the credit card can only be used in the SEE Office, so all purchases must be online or over the phone. Clubs should take into account shipping cost and time if they wish to use the card. The card can be obtained from Yasmin Neil in the SEE Office.
3. Reimbursement
Students can spend money out of pocket and submit receipts to Yasmin Neil for reimbursement. You will be reimbursed through the receipt of a check a few weeks after the request. Note that you must give all your receipts to Yasmin Neil. If you do not have your receipts you will not be reimbursed. Also, note that sales tax outside of New York State cannot be reimbursed.
SGA Funds
View the simplified guide for campus co-sponsorships and funds here.
1. Joint Council Co-sponsorship Committee (JCCC) of CCSC, ESC, GSSC, and SGA Funds
The mission of the JCCC is to provide funding for a student group under extenuating financial circumstances, including travel costs, or for a student group that wishes to start new programming but doesn’t have extra funds to do so. The JCCC exists to provide emergency funding for student groups on campus. More information is provided in the JCCC Constitution & Guidelines (2022-2023).
For the JCCC application form, click here. This form is the first step for students to apply for this funding. Following your submission of this form, you will be scheduled for a brief 2-3 minute presentation, and 10 min Q&A session, which will be the final step in the process of the application.
Applications are due 3 days before the Sunday at which the group would like to present, and the JCCC application is open all year.
2. SGA Co-Sponsorship Fund
The SGA Co-Sponsorship Fund is a vehicle for direct impact on Barnard students and student groups. Though the fund is limited ($6,000 for the year, with roughly $3,000 to be distributed per semester) it is intended to provide necessary funding for initiatives that student groups, committees, and individuals design to impact the Barnard community.
To apply for this fund, groups must be GBB recognized, an SGA council/committee or unrecognized student groups must have a GBB recognized group or SGA council/committee as a cosponsor. Columbia clubs who have Barnard members may also apply. For more details on the SGA Co-Sponsorship guidelines, click here.
Click here for the application.
3. Endowment Proposal
The SGA Endowment Fund provides funding for projects that reach the largest and broadest amount of students in a financially responsible way. All accepted projects should enhance student life at Barnard and/or contribute to the overall academic community. SGA invites all Barnard students to propose a project that reaches an expansive number of students.
In the past, approved Endowment Fund proposals have included: new printers installed in residential halls, new seating for the Diana Center, opening the Diana Center roof to student access during lunches, and the purchase of reusable thermoses for the entire student body.
Click HERE for the 2022-2023 Endowment Proposal application.
Updated November 29th, 2022
Constitution and Bylaws
Student Government Association Constitution
If you have any questions regarding the Constitution, please contact the SGA Executive Board at
View the current Constitution as a PDF here.
Updated November 29, 2022.
Student Government Association By-laws
If you have any questions regarding the SGA Bylaws, please contact SGA Vice President of Policy, Vivian Todd at
View the By-Laws as a PDF here.
Updated November 29, 2022.
Meeting Minutes
Barnard College Student Government Association Representative Council convenes public meetings every Monday at 8:00 PM during the academic year in the 2nd Floor McIntosh Dining Room of the Diana Center. However, in pandemic times, meetings are live streamed and saved on the SGA Facebook page. The minutes and presentations from these meetings are posted here. Please note that no direct quotes may be taken for publication from SGA Meeting Minutes.
Any questions or inquiries for statements should be directed to Anique Edwards, SGA Vice President for Communications, at .
For the 2022-2023 Representative Council Meeting Minutes, please email Anique Edwards, SGA Vice President for Communications, at to be sent a copy. Or access them here, which is also located in SGA's linktree.
2022-2021 Representative Council Meeting Minutes
2017-2018 Representative Council Meeting Minutes
2016-2017 Representative Council Meeting Minutes
2015-2016 Representative Council Meeting Minutes